Are you paying too much for formula milk powder?
Insights into the milk powder industry and why I
switched Nate to a wallet-friendly brand with higher quality and value.
Readers who have been
following my parenthood journey from Nate’s birth late last year will probably
recall that we were first feeding him a different brand of formula milk, which
cost us almost $60 each time.
Coupled with the cost of
numerous diapers, baby clothing, feeding needs and more, the amount we were
spending on Nate each month was no small sum, and it was going to hurt our
wallet if we continued to pay $60 every 10 days for a tin of milk powder to
meet his demand.
Thus I embarked on numerous
trips to the supermarket and took it upon myself to research all the different
milk powder brands available, by comparing them on both price and nutritional
levels. The findings were unsurprising (you can
view my excel sheet here), and proved what I had always suspected: price
does not necessarily equate to quality when it comes to milk powder.
Shortly after that, I
switched Nate to Nature One Dairy. This post explains why.
The milk powder industry
There are various milk
brands being sold in Singapore, all touting different benefits for your child,
and when it comes to country of origin, a quick Google search will show you
that milk from Australia is said to be among the best for your child.
However, not all milk
formula brands in Australia have their own manufacturing facility. Some brands
outsource their production to various factories – some owned by them, others
owned by a third party manufacturer. I had the privilege of meeting the CEO of
Nature One Dairy recently to chat about how the industry works, how milk is
produced and sold, among other relevant topics. That was when I found out that
Nature One Dairy manufactures all its infant milk formula in their own
pharmaceutical grade manufacturing facility in Australia.
We’ve all heard of the
infant milk formula contamination saga last year, so I asked about the controls
that Nature One Dairy has in place to prevent incidents like these from
happening. By having a cleanroom with controlled environmental parameters such
as temperature, humidity and pressure, as well as filtered air and the highest
cleanliness standards, this is how they (and the best manufacturers in the
industry) reduce the risks of contamination to almost zero.
And of course, by being a
manufacturer and selling their own products, they’re able to maintain their
high stringent standards and quality. This also reduces third party risks, as
well as middlemen costs – which translates into…
Lower prices
My child’s nutrition and
health is non-negotiable, and I absolutely do not believe in giving a cheaper
brand of milk powder just because I’m trying to save money.
However, as my research has
proven, contrary to popular beliefs, the most expensive milk brand is NOT the
best nor the most nutritious. But don’t take my word for it – go to the
supermarket and compare the nutrition levels for yourself, or you can
ride off my excel sheet here.
The funny thing? Most milk formula brands cost more than
double in Singapore as compared to Australia. Yes, the same brands!
Nature One Dairy formula
prices are similar to the average median pricing in Australia (between $20 to
$30) regardless of whether it is sold in Australia or Singapore and this is
something I really appreciate. The slight price difference is mainly due to
currency exchange rate, costs for export, transport and import costs.
Since switching to Nature One Dairy, I’ve reduced my monthly expenses on
infant milk powder by 50%.
That’s the equivalent of
more than $1000 saved in a year.
But is the quality guaranteed?
Price is not always
indicative of quality, as the stock market will tell you. The same goes for the
infant milk powder industry, because all Australian manufacturers cannot
release goods for sale or export unless the products have passed stringent
testing requirements first, and obtained health certificates for export.
For Nature One Dairy, their
manufacturing facility undergoes regular and strict onsite auditing and
inspections by the Australian government, Dairy Food Safety Victoria, the
country’s Department of Agriculture and Water Resources, and more.
Okay, but then why do some brands charge such high prices?
Perhaps the best people to
answer this question would be the spokespeople of the brands themselves, but
from what I’ve observed, many of the more expensive brands also seem to spend a
lot more on marketing and freebies – all of which cost money, and surely that
money has to come from somewhere.
For instance, I frequently
see many of those brands as sponsors at many pregnancy conferences, and paying
prominent lifestyle influencers who charge considerable fees for sponsored
posts. One example would be a popular
lifestyle influencer in Singapore, who was initially feeding her daughter
Enfamil, then later did a sponsored post promoting Abbott, and then recently
promoted Bellamys. Personally speaking, while I’ve nothing against her, I’m
unable to figure out which she thinks is the best milk brand for her child
anymore, because I’ve seen her change her tune each time a new brand sponsors
her for a post.
Singapore: the crackdown on the milk powder industry’s marketing
As a consumer, I’m not a
fan of what I feel are misleading product names in the milk powder industry.
For instance, names like Gain IQ and Intelli-Pro gave me the impression that if
my child drinks those, they’ll make him smarter, but when I compared the nutritional
levels, I found no evidence that this will indeed be the case.
Some other examples include
Enfamil's marketing message, which is that they're "scientifically formulated to support overall mental and physical
development, with ingredients DHA, ARA, choline, prebiotics, zinc and
iron", while Wyeth S-26 claims that they "contain 26 specialized ingredients to complement the learning
environment for nuturing your child's mind". Well, guess what? The
same ingredients can be found in other brands as well, which are retailing for
almost half the price.
I’ll willingly pay more for
higher quality, but my research has shown that it isn’t the case.
Are higher nutritional levels better?
Some mothers believe that
milk powder with higher nutritional levels are better for their child, but I
personally don’t believe in that because only nutrients that are within legal
limits are clinically proven to be safe, and those that exceed legal limits
might have side effects on babies. Moreover, in the milk powder industry,
higher nutrients may not necessarily be better; it is all about balance.
Our babies’ digestive
system and organs are not yet fully developed, so I’m also concerned of the
potential issues that could arise later if we consistently feed them nutritional
levels that their system (eg. kidneys) may not be mature enough to process.
However, there aren’t enough studies (yet) to show the impact of this on
babies, so as parents, we will need to determine what we feel is best for our
children, and then live with the consequences of our own choices.
Is more prebiotics better?
Manufacturers often add
prebiotics (often found as FOS, GOS and/or inulin within the ingredients list)
to milk powder to mimic the effects of oligosaccharides that occur naturally in
breastmilk. However, these substances are not absorbed in the small intestine,
and reach the large intestine as essentially intact. Breastfed infants
generally have softer stools compared with formula-fed babies, and this
difference may be due in part to the presence of oligo- and polysaccharides in
Moreover, GOS and
inulin-derived substances are hardly digested in the small intestine. As there
is virtually no systemic exposure to these intact oligosaccharides, the only
possible adverse effect identified has been an increased osmotic potential
within the colon, which can potentially lead to increased water loss and
dehydration. It has thus been concluded that these substances, either alone or
in any combination, at concentrations up to 8 g/L will contribute to increased
osmotic potential in the colon of formula-fed infants.
If that’s confusing, here’s
an easier and potentially more useful guide: the legal limits under the
governing food standards in Australia and New Zealand.
Is more DHA better?
TLDR summary: There’s no
conclusive evidence to prove that more DHA makes your baby smarter.
For me, I care a lot about
the source of the ingredients as well. Given that DHA can be obtained from fish
oil or algae (keep
a lookout for crypthecodinium cohnii oil in the ingredient list), I prefer the former.
And that’s another reason
why I picked Nature One Dairy, which uses DHA from fish oil, over some other
brands such as Enfamil, Similac and S-26 which use DHA from algae instead.
Here’s the legal
requirements governing the use of such acids in milk powder produced in
Australia and New Zealand:
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Benefits of Nature One Dairy
You know you can be assured
of the highest-quality milk when it is sourced
from grass-fed cows in Australia, where the cows are free to graze on the
pristine pastures of Gippsland, thus producing consistently high-quality milk. In
addition, their milk formula is gluten-free
and does not contain sucrose,
maltodextrin or any sweeteners. Lactose (the natural sugar present in human
breast milk) is the only source of carbohydrate.
All products are
manufactured in an ISO-8 pharmaceutical-graded facility that has been
specifically designed for infant formula production. All infant formula brands
have been formulated by food science technologists to mirror (as close as
humanly possible) a mother's breast milk.
All ingredients used in the
manufacturing of Nature One Dairy infant milk formula also have to go through strict microbiological and chemical testing
and analysis by nationally accredited laboratories in Singapore and Australia.
Their formulas are also halal-certified
by the Islamic Coordinating Council of Victoria (which is responsible for halal
food exports from Australia) and the Australian Halal Authority & Advisers.
It is also recognised by the Islamic Religious Council of Singapore (Muis).
As a manufacturer, they
also manufacture for other brands, such as NTUC's FairPrice Gold Infant
For those uncertain whether to choose between their Standard or
Premium formula, the difference is that the Premium range has higher levels
of nutrients and GOS (a prebiotic), which some babies may not take well to.
Hence, if your baby frequently experiences diarrhoea and bloatedness, then the
Standard range may be better suited for them instead. And for parents who want
to feed organic milk instead, there’s the Organic range as well.
What’s more, as Nature One
Dairy produces pregnancy milk and infant formula for between 0 – 6 years, there
is no brand switch needed in between. After 6 years, growing children can
progress to the Student Formula if desired.
Pick an affordable milk
formula brand without compromising on quality for your child. Choose Nature One
Dairy today.
Nature One Dairy milk
products can be found online at RedMart, or bought directly off retail shelves
at Sheng Siong, Cold Storage, Giant or FairPrice (organic, student & adult
range only).
I’m really glad we switched
to Nature One Dairy, and I hope that this post will be useful to those of you
looking for a more affordable milk option too.
This post was written in collaboration with Nature One Dairy.
Hi Budget Babe! Does the Nature One formula smell fishy at all??
ReplyDeleteNot at all to us!